The story is based on the epic tale of Mahabharata and focuses on Duryodhana's life as a brave warrior, who succumbs to injustice within the family and meets an unexpected tragic end. Witness the memorable incidents of the Mahabharata including the fight between Duryodhana and Bheema, the arrival of Shakuni, Draupadi's Vastraharan, and the war of Kurukshetra. Directed by: - Naganna Proudced by: - Munirathna Written by: - J.K. Bharavi Starring: - Darshan, Meghna Raj V. Ravichandran, Arjun Sarja, Ambareesh Sonu Sood Nikhil kumanr Music By: - V. Harikrishna
সম্পূর্ণ মুভিটি দেখতে ডাউনলোড বাটন এ ক্লিক করুন